Saturday, 10 November 2018

Why we need Vigilant Citizens in the World--Vinay Dadmal

Why We Need Vigilant Citizens
A few years back I was incharge of a railway station to maintain a REST HOUSE on the platform for checking staff.One day CCM from Mumbai visited this REST HOUSE and she found dirty bedsheets on each bed and dirty toilet.She asked me a question’Why as an incharge you not maintain the REST HOUSE properly? My reply astonished her.I said there was not a single user for last two years who visited this REST HOUSE so what was the use to maintain this REST HOUSE.My reply satisfied her and thereafter she erased that RESTHOUSE from record.Now at Warora where I am living ,I noticed a TRAUMA CARE CENTRE constructed 6 years ago at a cost of 20 Million Rupees and till today in 2018 not a single doctor posted there.This means we are maintaining  a building for nothing.At least the constructed building should be used for another purpose. Similarly a STATUE of Mahatma Gandhi decorated at huge cost at Gandhi Square Warora at huge cost .Where commercial use of the site is really have importance then the statues should be shifted from such places.At GANDHI garden Warora by incurring huge cost a ladies and gents toilet constructed .This was done without referring the frequency of the users.This is nothing but waste of PUBLIC money.The above few incidences may propel you to point out similar cases in your place of living.

1 comment:

I liked VICE PRESIDENT of INDIA statement

  Dhankhar warns against judiciary or legislature exercising executive authority N EW DELHI: Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday said ...