Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Our National Duty Vinay Dadmal way

Our National Duty Vinay Dadmal way
  • ·        As a national duty we involve ourselves in giving birth to one or two children but also give birth to one or two trees as well.It will be your national duty to take care of your child as well as tree grow.
  • ·        Create wealth/Achieve money.You will be getting immense pleasure in creating and getting money,as mere possession of money will not give much happiness.
  • ·        Help at least one person to get a job so that he/she can earn.
  • ·        Pay your servants regularly and promptly.
  • ·        Donate not money but the things which you have in excess.
  • ·        As a national duty whenever and wherever possible do not break “Q”. 

Thinking Vinay Dadmal way

Thinking Vinay Dadmal way 2017
  1.     Now time has come in INDIA to introduce micro managed self governance methods because the very essence of civilization is mutual interest,mutual forbearance and mutual co-operation.
  2. *    To walk properly one has to adopt left-right combination of feet ,left-left feet combination is impossible likewise for progressive walk of any country,left- right combination of government and citizens is necessary.
  3. *    There are many ways to develope/enhance happiness living index of our country ,but it can never be helped merely talking with baseless planning about it.We must act and act quickly.25thNovember 2017
  4. *    In democratic country like India people have become wiser as more and more options of living standards are available easily.We must able to induct more politically wise people at the center stage to take advantage of the present situation.
  5. *    Small children are so important in families because they spread unpredictable happy  atmosphere surrounding them
  6. *    Can we start calling like below on this Diwali 2017
  7.  ST/Scheduled Tribe/Adiwasi----------Bharat Suvidha 1—BS1

                SC        /Scheduled Caste--------------------Bharat Suvidha 2—BS 2
           OBC/Other Backward Class------------Bharat Suvidha3---BS 3
           BPL/Below Poverty Line----------------Bharat Suvidha 4—BS 4

  1.   8.All newspapers,TV media and all governments wants to help farmers in India that does not mean the farmers in India are living a very low level life,they are all on at very high stage on happiness in life index than their metro counterpart,spends more on eatables and promote togetherness in living family together culture ,they are pioneer in supporting microeconomy of our country.On this DIwali 2017 feel proud being a farmer.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Lovely Life Vinay Dadmal way

Lovely life Vinay Dadmal way via @YouTube
Above is the link to listen the Marathi beautiful song “Ya Janmawar Ya Jaganyawar Shatada Prem Karawe”beautifully sung by Marathi singer Shri Arun Date.
    I listened to this song and it provoked me to write on this topic.When we come into this world,all are dependant.At an early age only our mother knows our language ,knows exactly the wordless language one talk.Slowly but surely and smoothly one try to learn the language of mother and at that time the endurance is such that someone always feels for us.My view of life is this love for life should last forever.Life not only delights but also have an impact of loveliness in the others life.Almost in everylife the dependence on others life is such that one can not live happily without others being happy.
Thats life !
Always honest !

Always pure happiness !

How I resigned Vinay Dadmal way

How I resigned Vinay Dadmal way
My  date of birth is 2nd  August 1967.I joined Government service on 3rd  November 1989.I was INCHARGE OFFICER in 2012 when suddenly I received an administration letter in which I was asked to step down ,giving charge of the office to my 7 year junior colleague and asked me to work under him.I was totally surprised and enquired about such letter without giving any reason how I can be asked to do such thing.I got no clue from the administration and I filed a case under Right to Information Act 2005 that what was the reason behind such letter.I did not get any specific reply then appealed to Chief Information Commissioner.Simultaneously I sent my resignation letter on 01/12/2012 to administration due to health problem I need resignation.On 8th April 2013 my voluntary resignation sanctioned.Then I was 44 year 8 months 6 days old.I did completed my government career for 23 years 5 months 5 days.In my government establishment regular retirement age was 60 years.

    On 10th April 2014 before Chief Information Commissioner In a video conferencing hearing the administrative officer of  government establishment stated that the appellant{ Vinay Dadmal } had already been given the opportunity of being incharge but the work by appellant was unsatisfactory.Therefore ,the appellant was removed from Incharge Officer.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Appeal against punishment "reduction in payment"Vinay Dadmal way

Appeal against punishment”Reduction in payment”Vinay Dadmal way
1.I am appealing against the award of penalty of reduction by one stage below in same time scale of pay for a period of two years[NC]
2.Please,I request you to to reduce such harsh penalty.
3.Everybody interested in awarding me penalty for writing directly ignoring divisional officer.But such was not the fact.I had written two letters on 10/12/2007 & 25/12/2007 at divisional level under certificate of posting receipts attached.
4.Thereafter when I received no response ,I approached DARPG website ,where I complained about fake target earning .It was first accessed at that level then forwarded to AGM,CR.
5.Please,look in the complaint what I had written and not why I written directly.
6.In recent railway budget Railway Minister announced to form “INNOVATION PROMOTION GROUP” where railway employees can write directly.

     Though appealed but failed to convince the Appleallate Authority hence punishment remained unchanged.No further appeal preferred.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Feel honoured how I defended "Statement of Imputation "

Feel Honoured how I defended “Statement of Imputation”
Respected Sir,
1.As per statement of imputation I forwarded complaint to AGM on web site ,but actually I forwarded complaint to Shri. Sunil Kumar,Executive Director PG and CPIO,Ministry on DARPG website.
2.I already submitted file to concerned officer about target on 25/02/2008 personally.
3.In my view target is policy matter of railways addressed only by Railway board,hence written directly to Railway Board.
4.The complaint written in good faith concerning all.
5.If it’s a mistake to think about railways then please make sure I get punishment.

    Outcome was my payment reduced for two years.Nearly a loss of Rs 24000/- at that time.

Feel honoured to have received this "Statement of Imputation"

Feel honoured to have received this “Statement of Imputation”
Statement of imputation
Neglect of duty and careless working in that the said Shri Vinay Dadmal while working as CTI committed serious misconduct in that :
Shri Vinay Dadmal,CTI has forwarded the complaint to the web site of AGM directly regarding ticket checking target increased day by day without looking into quality of earning and fake earning by squad.The complaint sent to public grievances cell web site.
Since Shri Vinay Dadmal is a employee he should have follow the procedure through proper channel and not directly to AGM ignoring divisional officers.

Thus the said Shri Vinay Dadmal,CTI failed to maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and thereby contravened the provision of rule No.3.1[i],[ii] and Rule No.11 of services [conduct] rules 1966.

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Principles above Policy in India Vinay Dadmal way

Principles above Policy in India Vinay Dadmal way
1.I know that we can achieve anything except impossibilities and I further know that ENGLISH INDIA is one such impossibility in future.

2.I place principles above policy .Policy may be political but principles are not.

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Do you know when & how you will die?Vinay Dadmal way

Do you know how and when you will die?
Almost all will say,how can one know? It’s a silly question.But don’t you possess life insurance policies and health insurance policies.At the time of purchasing them don’t you predicted your death date and the deadly deaseases which may fall on you.So you know the timing of your death.Now till then you suppose to plan your life.When to do what ? Take a piece of paper and plan it.

    When you have a flight to catch,you will have to reach at the airport on flight schedule.At the airport when you know your flight is one hour late.Here suddenly you can not plan for that one hour,how you will spend it.Life is like that we can not plan suddenly.We must give time to planning life.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Post office register letter Vinay Dadmal way

Registering letter in India Post Office Vinay Dadmal way

 The post offices are equipped with barcodes for registration .When a letter is presented for registration or speed post then the dealing clerk paste the bar code on the letter and as per the weight the amount for that bar coded letter is recorded and a receipt prepared.My suggestion is we must sell the pre amounted bar codes at postal counters say Rs 25/-,Rs 30/-.Rs 35/-.Rs 40/-pre-recorded barcodes .It is a common knowledge that which barcode should be proper for which weighed letter.A customer first purchase bar code at the counter and when he wants he paste it on letter of particular weight at home or office.He then at his own time put that letter in a post office box.A postman when sort out the letters from post office boxes he sort such bar coded letters seperately and hand over these letter to registering clerk .The clerk then register these letters as per pre amounted barcodes so no money transaction needed at the counter .He ensures the correct barcode for correctly weighed letter.The clerk may prepare a receipt.The customer has the barcode number which he paste on a letter for tracking.Our counter is then become competitive with  the other marketing players.

Dr.A.P.J.Kalam park Vinay Dadmal way

Dr A P J  Abdul Kalam in Chandrapur via @YouTube.
Not statues but their thoughts were of great importance and inspiration.If we could have tried to able to get nod for to get their statues installed then I do not think they allowed us to do so. We must install their literature and speeches
to be shown live so that they never die from our minds.Govt.must provide free literature of these great people free of cost  at such places.The MP must utilize their funds in installing these activities.We need more inspiration parks rather amusement parks everywhere. 

I liked VICE PRESIDENT of INDIA statement

  Dhankhar warns against judiciary or legislature exercising executive authority N EW DELHI: Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday said ...