Thursday 9 November 2017

Post office register letter Vinay Dadmal way

Registering letter in India Post Office Vinay Dadmal way

 The post offices are equipped with barcodes for registration .When a letter is presented for registration or speed post then the dealing clerk paste the bar code on the letter and as per the weight the amount for that bar coded letter is recorded and a receipt prepared.My suggestion is we must sell the pre amounted bar codes at postal counters say Rs 25/-,Rs 30/-.Rs 35/-.Rs 40/-pre-recorded barcodes .It is a common knowledge that which barcode should be proper for which weighed letter.A customer first purchase bar code at the counter and when he wants he paste it on letter of particular weight at home or office.He then at his own time put that letter in a post office box.A postman when sort out the letters from post office boxes he sort such bar coded letters seperately and hand over these letter to registering clerk .The clerk then register these letters as per pre amounted barcodes so no money transaction needed at the counter .He ensures the correct barcode for correctly weighed letter.The clerk may prepare a receipt.The customer has the barcode number which he paste on a letter for tracking.Our counter is then become competitive with  the other marketing players.

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Happy Diwali-2023-Vinay Dadmal

  Wish you all Happy Diwali 2023--Vinay Dadmal