We are not accessing
COVID-19 correctly in India
COVID-19 actually provided lot many
opportunities in the world and in INDIA.The steps taken in India to tackle COVID-19
are 1.LOCKDOWN 2.1.7 Lac Crore package 3.20 Lac crore package.We in India are
still in LOCKDOWN.Nobody planned what the 99 % population will do when they are
confined to their homes.Which and what people need and how this can be explored
for our progress nowhere talked .All the Government agencies did was about
CORONA-Virus spread.Almost all the time we in India copied USA/UK.There is too
much gap in living style in India and USA .What is good for USA ,not necessarily
good in India.What COVID-19 provided is Priority wise working in that Health
comes first but not only CORONA- Virus but also all other deadly health
issues.Next thing is providing /throwing schemes on citizens without correct
beneficiaries data.This scheme is for Farmer,this scheme for MEME,this for
fisheries etc.all such schemes are without any correct data because in any
family we find in India can have farm,msme,service all together and government
data nowhere match.The PINPOINT accuracy nowhere we get in India.Next problem
issue is implementation .All know Health ,Agriculture are STATE subjects and
central government if try to interfere and throw any scheme then the accuracy
of implementation is very very low.At present no accurate data about FAMILY and
its income we have in India,the family may have different sources of income which The Central Government hiding
when they throw any scheme for citizens in India.