Thursday, 20 July 2017

Accidental Death Insurance Vinay Dadmal way

Accidental Death Insurance Vinay Dadmal way

       Everybody knows due to motor vehicle accident if death occurs then if insured against accidental death the victims family get the insurance claim.In India if we read minutely the daily newspaper then almost everyday we find a news about death due to snake bite.This news is embarrassing as in 21 st century we not able to save snake bite victim.We feel ashamed of the situation.At least what we can do is to request the government to include snake bite victim death as accidental death in terms of all clauses in Insurance acts.Snake bite death is the most unfortunate death.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Emergency Financial Help Vinay Dadmal way

Emergency Financial Help Vinay Dadmal way

   In India lot many citizens are holding biometric identification card Aadhaar.Those bank account holders who linked their bank accounts with AAdhar should be allowed to get this emergency financial help.In this when any such citizen needs money then he will go to CSC common service center where Aadhaar authentication is possible.A emergency fund will be set in such a way that a citizen get Rs 500/- as emergency financial help in cash from the CSC owner.The CSC owner get bank credit from emergency fund and bank account of the beneficiary debited by Rs 500/-.If no sufficient account balance then also account may be accounted for this amount in negative.The beneficiary then have to return money within 3 months.

Bharat Bachat Yojana Vinay Dadmal way

Bharat Bachat Yojana Vinay Dadmal way
  Those nationalized bank  and jan-dhan bank account holders having less than Rs 1000/- in their accounts are eligible to enter in this yojana.
  A female account holder have to deposit Rs 20/- per day for atleast 15 days in a month.She can deposit in a day or use whole month to deposit Rs 300/-.As per his saving if Rs 300/- she deposited then Government will add Rs 300/- to her account.If she saved Rs 200/- then Government will add Rs 200/-.At the most Rs 300/- benefit will be given per month.She is allowed to continue in this scheme for a year.During year she can not withdraw from  the saved amount.
   Men account holders  have to deposit Rs 10/- per day for atleast 15 days in a month .He can deposit in a day or use whole month to deposit Rs 150/-.As per his saving if Rs 150/- he deposited then Government will add Rs 150/- to his account.If he saved Rs 100/- then Government will add Rs 100/-At the most Rs 150/-benefit will be given per month.He is allowed to continue in this scheme for a year.During year he can not withdraw from saved amount.

     This scheme will be available for above 18 years of age citizens.New account holders will be allowed to participate in this scheme.All beneficiaries of the scheme will be given PMJSY cover of Rs 2 lakh . 

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Commercial Two wheeler Vinay Dadmal way

Commercial Two Wheeler Vinay Dadmal way

          In India in rural areas and inside low populated cities one has to wait far too long to get commercial vehicle to travel.So to ease the traffic we have to introduce except MNP mahanagarpalika areas all over India Commercial Two  Wheeler network.Just allow the interesting two wheeler owners to paint their two wheelers number plate background  by yellow colour.Now your two wheeler is ready to carry any single person on rent.No permission should be necessary.If we can do such thing then lot many can start earning a bit.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Census of family Vinay Dadmal way

Census Vinay Dadmal way
          We are using computers to record so many details.But if we want manually simple way of census all aware of then think about following method.
FS stands for family status described in 4 digits
My Family Status is 1 1 1 0
 Where first digit from left  1 stands for male alive ,0 will stand for male dead
Where second digit from left 1 stands for female alive,0 will stand for female dead
Where third digit from left 1 stands for one male child alive,0 for no male child
Where fourth digit from left 0 stands for no female child

FS with ODA completely describe family structure .

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Motor Transport Rules Vinay Dadmal way

Motor Transport Rules Vinay Dadmal way
1.Two Wheelers below 110 cc without gear and with gear
           No driving license necessary but to hold third party damage cover upto 2 lakh rupees  means active individual insurance mandatory while driving.To provide such insurance is totally depends on insurance service provider.No specific rule about age required.
2.Two Wheelers above 110 cc to 130 cc without gear and with gear
             No driving license necessary but to hold third party damage cover upto 5 lakh rupees means active insurance mandatory while driving.To provide such insurance is totally depends on insurance service provider.Above 18  years  age required to drive these vehicles.
3.Two Wheelers above 130 cc without gear and with gear
             Driving license required but should be issued by the manufacturer through its dealers .To hold third party damage cover upto 10 lakh /1 millon rupees  means active insurance mandatory while driving.Above 18 years age required.
4.Four wheelers and above wheelers
            Driving license required but should be issued by the manufacturer through its dealers.To hold third party damage cover upto 20 lakh/2 million rupees means active insurance mandatory while driving.Above 18 years age required.
5.Penalty /Punishment
          Court if decides more damages to be recovered then personal property will be attached.
             For any offence immediate penalty is  vehicle will be detained for 1 month for every offence or violation of traffic rules except wearing helmet is not compulsory.All offences are covered through cctv footage and through video shoot and hence no manual traffic policing required at any stage. .Offences can be registered through cc TV footage in the court through e-chargesheets.No financial penalty will be at any stage .Subsequent violation will increase detention of vehicle period by court.
7.On every road there will be a toll collection for advanced road repairing .Toll of Rs 5/-will be collected from two wheelers and their movement through toll tax collection point is cctv is recorded.All other vehicles have to pay Rs 10/-.Toll road repairing will be charged once in a day.

7.To wear headgear is optional inside city limits.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Vehicle Registration Vinay Dadmal way

Vehicle registration Vinay Dadmal way
      Vehicle registration will be performed in a following manner manual way  means vehicle can be registered from any place throughout India.
1.First a person have to register himself with AAdhar{biometric identification number},PAN{permanent account number by income tax dept.},Owner Digital Address with photo and signature simultaneously uploading all the documents
2.After initial registration a person will be required to check with his/her  first name for his residential PIN postal index number the login name.For example for PIN 442907 Vinay  is login name.
3.Next the vehicle details will be filled ie chasis no. and engine no.
4.If a person buying his first vehicle then for vehicle A registration no. will be
5.If  second vehicle B purchase the registration no. will be

6.The site generate amount of tax to be paid and online payment gateway will be available
7.Computer is no way involved in the process of registration.Everything is manual..

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Donations Vinay Dadmal way

Donations  Vinay Dadmal way

 In India please open unmanned donation counters at major railway stations from outside,at all taluka level bus depots so that citizens can donate anything like old clothes, utensils except money at these counters.There will be no restriction on who will pick up the donated items.We in India have so many surplus items in our houses so let get chance to donate and needy get the benefits


Bus transportation Vinay Dadmal way

Bus transportation Vinay Dadmal way

In Maharashtra a public transport bus service is in operation ie.MSRTC.The service of the conductor should be grounded such that the commuter get tickets at the platform like Indian Railways.At all major halt stations conductor will work from the platform with a hand held device in which all destination tickets will be made available.In the villages where buses come from taluka place all passengers boarding at starting place will be pre booked and such passenger who board later or from destination to taluka place the ticketing will be performed by the bus driver.What is the need to place conductor in half filled buses and empty buses.The profit margin will increase .We must keep faith in our law binding citizens.

Woman developement Vinay Dadmal way

Woman development Vinay Dadmal way

In India the central government must initiate a beneficial action to woman such that from all male central government  employees  and pensioners net monthly salary  / pension 10 % salary /pension should be deposited into the wife”s bank account specifically opened for this purpose .There will be no nomination conflicts in future and the move is as per constitutional fulfillment.The move will be later implemented across all state government employees and also among pensioners.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Manual Owner Digital Address

Manual Owner Digital Address
My manual owner digital address is  170208196707000510442907
Where 1 St digit from left ie  1 stands  for male
                                                     2 stands for female
                                                      3 stands for transgender
                                                     4 stands for second child with same date of birth
                                                     5 stands for third child with same date of birth
                                                     6 stands for govt of country ie India/Bharat
                                                     7 stands for state inside country
Where 2 nd digit from left ie 7 stands for blood group “O”+ve
                                                      1 stands for blood group “A”+ve
                                                      2 stands for blood group “A” –ve
                                                      3 stands for blood group “B” +ve
                                                      4 stands for blood group “B” –ve
                                                     5 stands  for blood group “AB” +ve
                                                      6 stands for blood group “AB” – ve
                                                      8 stands for blood group “O” – ve
Where next 8 digits from left ie 02081967 stands for birth date in ddmmyyyy format
Where next 8 digits from left ie 07000510 stands for house number where living
Where next 6 digits from left ie 442907 stands for PIN postal index number

                Within 30 days it is possible to allot such unique 24 digit  MODA to every citizen of INDIA and also applicable for each country in the world.

I liked VICE PRESIDENT of INDIA statement

  Dhankhar warns against judiciary or legislature exercising executive authority N EW DELHI: Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday said ...