Friday 7 July 2017

Vehicle Registration Vinay Dadmal way

Vehicle registration Vinay Dadmal way
      Vehicle registration will be performed in a following manner manual way  means vehicle can be registered from any place throughout India.
1.First a person have to register himself with AAdhar{biometric identification number},PAN{permanent account number by income tax dept.},Owner Digital Address with photo and signature simultaneously uploading all the documents
2.After initial registration a person will be required to check with his/her  first name for his residential PIN postal index number the login name.For example for PIN 442907 Vinay  is login name.
3.Next the vehicle details will be filled ie chasis no. and engine no.
4.If a person buying his first vehicle then for vehicle A registration no. will be
5.If  second vehicle B purchase the registration no. will be

6.The site generate amount of tax to be paid and online payment gateway will be available
7.Computer is no way involved in the process of registration.Everything is manual..

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Happy Diwali-2023-Vinay Dadmal

  Wish you all Happy Diwali 2023--Vinay Dadmal