Friday 14 July 2017

Census of family Vinay Dadmal way

Census Vinay Dadmal way
          We are using computers to record so many details.But if we want manually simple way of census all aware of then think about following method.
FS stands for family status described in 4 digits
My Family Status is 1 1 1 0
 Where first digit from left  1 stands for male alive ,0 will stand for male dead
Where second digit from left 1 stands for female alive,0 will stand for female dead
Where third digit from left 1 stands for one male child alive,0 for no male child
Where fourth digit from left 0 stands for no female child

FS with ODA completely describe family structure .

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Happy Diwali-2023-Vinay Dadmal

  Wish you all Happy Diwali 2023--Vinay Dadmal