Monday 23 October 2023

How to use COMPUTER in tribal development in Maharashtra India


The Commissioner of Tribal Development Department Maharashtra emphasized the need for renovation in Ashramshalas to be developed as MODEL ASHRAMSHALAS.I obtained the data about ashramshalas and detected following .

At Govt. Ashramshala Borda ,under Chandrapur Project office PRIMARY STD.1 to 4 medium of instruction mentioned as ENGLISH .

  A.  I object for such thing . Please impart PRIMARY and Pre Primary education to TRIBAL students

In their own language ie. GONDI.This will be upto std.4.Then introduce languages English and Hindi.

KG1 and KG 2 not be  a boarding activity but be funded privately in GONDI.

B.Halt the renovation project ,as per report enough facilities provided to tribal students in ASHRAMSHALAS.

C. Start eleventh and twelth SCIENCE in MARATHI MEDIUM.

D. Build New infrastructure For TRIBAL MEDICAL COLLEGE M.B.B.S and TRIBAL Engineering College

In MARATHI medium .

E. Equip all ASHRAMSHALA all teachers with LAPTOPS through their own salary . The LAPTOPS

Teachers should use as and when required while imparting subjective education.

D.Avoid building computer LAB in schools .Use mobile gadgets instead.

Warora Dt : 23/10/2023—Shri Vinay Dadmal, Dr. Radhakrushnan Colony, Warora-442907

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