Tuesday, 31 October 2023

New Railway Project request in Maharashtra


1.Shri Eknath Shinde ,Chief Minister ,Govt. of Maharashtra
2.Shri Devendra Fadanvis, Deputy Chief Minister , Govt. of Maharashtra
3. Shri Ajit Pawar, Deputy Chief Minister,Govt. of Maharashtra

Subject : Representing Maharashtra to Indian Railways to start particular railway project

Please represent Maharashtra to Indian Railways to take up project in which

AC LOCAL TRAINs to run from Mumbai to Pune and from Mumbai To Thane within 3 months.

Also, I request that you fence all government land between Mumbai-Thane and Mumbai-Pune immediately.

Warora-Dt : 01/10/2023: Vinay Dadmal, Dr. Radhakrushnan Colony, Warora-442907

Monday, 30 October 2023

Correction needed in Grievance Portal Maharashtra


While submitting grievance on Aaple Sarkar grievance portal when we submit grievance details village entry made mandatory and in pop up list Warora not included hence I selected random village . Please insert Warora in POP up list or do not make village entry mandatory. While submitting Suggestion , village selection mandatory but in pop up village list , WARORA not included. Please add WARORA in pop Up list.

Sunday, 29 October 2023

Donations in India


In Ganesh Festival and Durga Puja festival many Sarvjanik /Public Ganesh Mandal and Sarvjanik / Public  Durga Mandal collects donations from general people .They give receipts but on many occasions no registration number found on receipt.

  Government must order such mandals to register themselves with related office online before April 2024.Do not allow unregistered mandals to collect donations from public .Make Donation receipts to bear registration number from 1 May 2024.

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Suggestions to Judiciary in India

 Judiciary In India Vinay Dadmal way

It is observed that lot many cases are pending in the courts and tribunals.We must follow following procedural reform in judiciary  so that the cases can be solved quickly.

1.The civil courts are admitting number of cases where they can not deliver a judgement because the nature of the petition is of administrative nature where fixed rules formed by the government are used.For example a student filed a case for relaxation of marks for to get admission in the engineering stream.Here the state administration fixed the minimum % for admission.The high court later admitted its inability to relax the % for admission .In such cases the petitioners must be directed to the administration and court should not admit such cases.The registrars of the courts must direct the petitioners properly.

2.Before admitting any case a notice that a particular type of case is to be registered in court must be issued to the opposite party and a minimum 30 days period will be the waiting period.If no reply or unsatisfactory reply is received then the party may file the case in the court.Courts should keep away from directly admitting the petitions.

3.The central/state  administrative tribunals were formed to get orders within 6 months but the cases are on an average taking  more than 1 year time to deliver a judgement.At present the grievance mechanism in the central government is at its best and hence the CAT /MAT should be stopped from functioning any further.If need arises then the Online MAT the functioning like National Human Rights Commission will be formed to work online from single place without oral hearing .

4.Strengthen SALSA State legal services authority so that anyone on payment can seek legal aid of any type.

5.Totally make working of District Consumer Forum ONLINE.

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Cleaning drive in India

 We are watching celebrities with brooms in their hands but I request them to use their time,money to hire labours to clean spots they want

Suggestions over ayurvedic medicines to health ministry Government of India


Ayurvedic Medicines Availability in Govt. Hospitals

I found as a patient Ayurvedic medicine  TABLET DIAPAL very useful in controlling Diabetes Type 1 and 2.I recommend it to be in Govt. Hospitals all over IndiaThis ayurvedic medicine prescribed to me by Dr.Neha Dhote ,B.A.M.S.,Rly. Stn. Road,Warora-442907 Mob. No.9356056809

So many ayurvedic medicines are preferable over allopathic medicines and in many government hospitals B.A.M.S. doctors are working ,so make such ayurvedic medicines which produces good results available for prescription to these doctors.

   M.B.B.S. doctors are not aware or learned ayurvedic medicines so it can not be expected from them that they will able to advice ayurvedic medicines .We have very rich history of Ayurveda traditionally and it is in our culture .Government must try to export these B.A.M.S. doctors more to foreign countries wherever they are allowed to practice.

 B. A. M. S should be made available through different local languages throughout India.

Warora Dt : 24/10/2923----Shri Vinay Dadmal, Dr. Radhakrushnan Colony, Warora-442907



Monday, 23 October 2023

How to use COMPUTER in tribal development in Maharashtra India


The Commissioner of Tribal Development Department Maharashtra emphasized the need for renovation in Ashramshalas to be developed as MODEL ASHRAMSHALAS.I obtained the data about ashramshalas and detected following .

At Govt. Ashramshala Borda ,under Chandrapur Project office PRIMARY STD.1 to 4 medium of instruction mentioned as ENGLISH .

  A.  I object for such thing . Please impart PRIMARY and Pre Primary education to TRIBAL students

In their own language ie. GONDI.This will be upto std.4.Then introduce languages English and Hindi.

KG1 and KG 2 not be  a boarding activity but be funded privately in GONDI.

B.Halt the renovation project ,as per report enough facilities provided to tribal students in ASHRAMSHALAS.

C. Start eleventh and twelth SCIENCE in MARATHI MEDIUM.

D. Build New infrastructure For TRIBAL MEDICAL COLLEGE M.B.B.S and TRIBAL Engineering College

In MARATHI medium .

E. Equip all ASHRAMSHALA all teachers with LAPTOPS through their own salary . The LAPTOPS

Teachers should use as and when required while imparting subjective education.

D.Avoid building computer LAB in schools .Use mobile gadgets instead.

Warora Dt : 23/10/2023—Shri Vinay Dadmal, Dr. Radhakrushnan Colony, Warora-442907

Saturday, 21 October 2023

33% Women reservation in INDIA


To say Census and Delimitation are the obstacles besides FREEZ upto 2026 in implementation of

WOMEN reservation  33% in LOKSABHA and VIDHANSABHA in STATES is not correct. The present LOKSABHA and RAJYASABHA can remove these obstacles .Please be brave to implement in 2024 LOKSABHA .I hope that will bring very positive change in living in INDIA.

Warora DT:21/10/2023 –Shri Vinay Dadmal, Dr. Radhakrushnan Colony, Warora-442907

Appeal- After Women Reservation bill being passed by majority and to implement it the amendment into bill also can be / will be passed by majority in LOKSABHA and RAJYASABHA .This is grievance .If Govt. not wanted women reservation bill to be implemented then what for this bill passed .The intension is the reason for grievance .I appeal to provide this reason if any .

Suggestion to Tribal Development Department Maharashtra India


As per PROJECT OFFICE working procedure of Tribal Development Department Maharashtra

PLEASE AVOID formation of new 11 PROJECT OFFICES across Maharashtra . It will increase the operating cost of Tribal Development Department .

  Please develop TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT MOBILE APP where an applicant applies for a scheme and his application registered and he will be informed online about his application . If we use computer properly then more PROJECT OFFICES need to be closed .

   Concentrate more on accurate schemes and avoid fake schemes .

Warora Dt : 21/10/2023 --Vinay Dadmal, Dr. Radhakrushnan Colony, Warora , India-442907

Monday, 9 October 2023

Appeal to govt. servants in INDIA



We have in our country 10 crore bank accounts where no balance / no activity detected and further a big number of citizen’s not possess a bank account .Without active bank account one can not say those persons are in main stream of development .It is a huge task and very large funding needed.

 Government service is such that for a particular work a government servant gets salary .Without a work to pay salary is burden on system .We must go for NO WORK NO PAYMENT rule. I have seen the HOLIDAY LIST and will recommend a PERSONAL HOLIDAY LIST where no payment will be paid .

    I appeal to concerned authority to make all holidays as personal holidays .Government servant will decide whether they need paid holiday or unpaid holiday.

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Suggestion to AMAZON in INDIA by Vinay Dadmal

 I like how AMAZON works in INDIA but they till today not reaching to INDIAN VILLAGE customers ..Their service is upto TALUKA level .Please do agreement with INDIA POST to deliver parcels to villages from TALUKA level .This may increase AMAZON customer base by 20% and market sales by 25%.

Warora Dt 04/10/2023--Vinay Dadmal,Dr. Radhakrishnan Colony, Warora-442907

I liked VICE PRESIDENT of INDIA statement

  Dhankhar warns against judiciary or legislature exercising executive authority N EW DELHI: Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday said ...