Monday 22 August 2022

Suggestion to Reserve Bank of India 2022 by Vinay Dadmal

Previous year Rs 1 Lakh Crore NPA written off by banks in India.This is severely

affecting the performance of banks. The main reason observed by me was the reports submitted by Valuers and Search Reports by Advocates were accepted by concerned bank loan processing managers blindly. They not crosschecked the contents in the reports. Valuation Reports and Search reports must be verified before accepting them.The contents in these reports not matches with the actual site /house etc.Reports prepared by not visiting the actual site .They are highly manipulated.

   The Loan Processing Managers of Banks when asked they rely on reports but they are not sure about the use of report.On this aspect Banks should train the Loan Processing Managers of all banks.

   The banks while processing the loan applications not very sure about the documents use.They collect the documents as if the bank have to submit these documents in courts.Their actions unjustified. Mainly Nationalized banks are not having friendly infrastructure to all types of Indian Customers .

   Today we are restricted ourselves to urban banking infrastructure development and villages neglected.

    The Banks must now collaborate with India Post so that the money can be directly given to customers in rural area directly in their hands.With restrictive knowledge and lack of education prevents villagers from using all facilities of the banks on offer.

    The Nationalized Banks must arrange User Friendly Camps at GRAMPANCHAYAT level regularly.

      I expect RBI to do such working in the banks.

Warora Dt.23 August 2022---Vinay Dadmal, Dr. Radhakrushnan Colony, Warora-442907

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Happy Diwali-2023-Vinay Dadmal

  Wish you all Happy Diwali 2023--Vinay Dadmal