Thursday 4 August 2022

Introduction of Super Saturday in secondary schools in India


Introduce “Super Saturday “ In all schools Secondary level

1.      No students allowed in schools with school bag , they have to come to school

With free hands on every SATURDAY.

         2.Students must wear a civil uniform so that they can able to play any game on ground.

              No compulsion of any uniform . But use IDENTITY cards.

          3.In the school they will enjoy all sports activities indoor and outdoor.

           4. Enjoy music,listen and learn musical instruments.

            5.Talking Seminars : a] Teachers must introduce students to mobile and Internet correctly.

                Tell them the best available programs on net.

                 B] Discuss the best TV shows in the WORLD.

                C] Tell students about emails and its use .Activity –Preparing Email ID

                D] Tell students about PASSWORDS .

                E] Share with students the use of ATM and PIN. Safe banking

                F] Tell students to use Post Office facilities.eMO,IPPB account . Call postman .

             6.Tell Students about their RIGHTS.

             7. How to use Transport services ,rules and use.

It is advised to all schools that they reduce the language periods so to get free time on Saturday.

Warora Dt : 05 August 2022 –Vinay Dadmal, Dr. Radhakrushnan Colony, Warora -442907

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Happy Diwali-2023-Vinay Dadmal

  Wish you all Happy Diwali 2023--Vinay Dadmal