Thursday 21 April 2022

All Schools should open in Maharashtra from 1st June Vinay Dadmal way


Schools should open from 1st June in Maharashtra

I read about school opening day will be 2nd Monday and 4th Monday in Vidarbha.I hereby propose to start all schools from 1st June for 7 AM to 930 AM upto 20 June.The new schedule will bring an opportunity to introduce SPORTS ACTIVITY and SCHOOL TOUR to be held between 1st December to 10 December.Student must enjoy activities in school.All Taluka level Sports Centre grounds must be ready by then to hold Taluka Level School Sports activities throughout Maharashtra.NP and MNP and Private schools also be included. We need to utilize man power effectively.

Warora Dt 21st April 2022—Vinay Dadmal, Dr. Radhakrushnan Colony, Waror


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