Monday 24 August 2020

Be Natural " Vinay Dadmal way


Be Natural !

When we listen “Be Natural ! “ then we get no idea what we have to do.

Yesterday I went to “Dhobi “[ Clothes Ironing ] and he returned ironed clothes to me and told  Rs 80 /- bill. I gave him one currency note and said keep Rs 20/- with you ,I will adjust it in next bill. Then I left and went to another shop ,there while giving money I realized ,I had given Rs 500/- currency note to “ Dhobi “ and not Rs 100/- note.This was my mistake but I did not went  to “ Dhobi “ and asked him to return Rs 400/- because I could not expected honest answer from him . If he not returned Rs 400/- to me then his image could been damaged in my eyes forever.

This I term as NATURAL BEHAVIOUR.When we commit a mistake then do not expect honesty and moreover be firm in your opinion abot you like things or dislike.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Want to change ?

 I think everybody in the world ,I am referring all humans are now affected by COVID-19 fear .This fear Factor changed your priority in your own life style.You will not the same person again .Think over these changes and apply your own mind to live your left years / days / hours / minutes / seconds .Give importance to yourself and your own faith .You can not be a person who is always listening,make yourself more participative in the changed world.

Sunday 2 August 2020

My Birthday today

Today is my B’day,What I do today

On every birthday I take my own photograph and write at the bottom

1.     My name in Hindi

2.     My birthday count

3.     Today’s day and date.

4.     I print nearly 100 passport size photo prints.

Happy Diwali-2023-Vinay Dadmal

  Wish you all Happy Diwali 2023--Vinay Dadmal