Saturday 6 June 2020

Chess fear game-Nature -Human-2001-20

World Century Chess Fear Game 2001-2020/Nature Versus Human
                 White                                        Black
1.  A3-COVID-19                        1.a6-Lockdown[ pending]
2.  B3-Cancer                              2.b6-Depends[ money ]
3.  Nf3-Profit hunger                 3.Nf6-Depends P to P
4.  Nc3-Accidents                       4.Nc6-Lucky Survival
5.  D3-Malariya                           5.d6-No impact
6.  E4- Liquor                                6.e5-No fear
7.  F3-Cigarettes                           7.f6-person to person
8.  G4-Tobaco                                8.g6-no fear
9.  Bh3-Heart Attack                    9.h5-No cure P to P
10.                   Thinking
It is observed that COVID-19 has the lowest mortality rate in the world compared to other deadly deseases/issues.

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Happy Diwali-2023-Vinay Dadmal

  Wish you all Happy Diwali 2023--Vinay Dadmal