Thursday, 5 April 2018

I on twitter in March 2018

  1. The registration offices preparing sale deeds must demand video of layout sanctioned map on the spot recording to verify the exact location of layout and the existing roads and sewerlines in the layout.
  2. There must be association of punishment to every small mistake committed.We should never ignore mistakes.If mistakes not punished then they are repeated and become bigger threat in future.
  3. I personally feel that against banking principles forcing LOAN WAIVER scheme on farmers is a social crime,that will further increase farmers problem ,the main farmers problem are their agricultural education and increase of their family members.
  4. You get free air so is life it is free to get but to live it as per your own way is difficult.

1 comment:

  1. If you think well and in a proper manner then you able to get more from your life.


I liked VICE PRESIDENT of INDIA statement

  Dhankhar warns against judiciary or legislature exercising executive authority N EW DELHI: Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday said ...