Monday 11 September 2017

Eliminate corruption in India Vinay Dadmal way

If any minister is tainted is facing corruption charge then first thing to do is to ask him to resubmit his current property disclosure affidavit ,now this has to be in continuation to the earlier affidavit he submitted while getting elected.Place before opposition and public and still the charges remain then ask the minister to quit as a member and get reelected from the same constituency with his newly submitted property disclosure affidavit.What is the need to go to court or take enquiry permission from the Governor.
    If any Government employee is under charges of corruption then let him also within 7 days submit current propert disclosure with lockers information .Get this disclosure checked for correctness from not below the rank SP police officer within next 7 days.What is the need to appoint any committee .If any deficiency or faulty disclosure the concerned officer must be tried under Employees conduct rule and then the court procedure.

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Happy Diwali-2023-Vinay Dadmal

  Wish you all Happy Diwali 2023--Vinay Dadmal