Tuesday 7 February 2023

Requirement at RAILWAY Divisional Hospital Nagpur


My RELHS Medical card No.is 00483537226Z.I visited NAGPUR CENTRAL RAILWAY

DIVISIONAL HOSPITAL on 02/02/2023 .At reception CR-04210 was allotted.I wanted to

Contact PHYSICIAN Dr. Kumar Nirbhye ,ROOM NO.7 but at reception ROOM NO> 2 , Queue no.6 was given.At room no. 7 around 10 AM ,I found patients queued with their bags in line to wait for Doctor whose OPD timing was from 1130 hrs to 1330 hrs.No body queued as per given queue number .Till 1230hrs Doctor was not available .

1.CMS must instruct all doctors to take patients as per given serial queue number at the reception.

2.CMS must see proper queue no. allotment at reception to regularize patients with discipline.

3.Beforehand knowledge of Doctor’s availability be made available at the particular room of doctor.

Happy Diwali-2023-Vinay Dadmal

  Wish you all Happy Diwali 2023--Vinay Dadmal