Thursday, 30 July 2020

New Suggestion to Government of India by Vinay Dadmal

New Suggestion to Government of India

It is detected that the PUBLIC REPRESENTETIVES namely MPs from Loksabha and Rajyasabha and Chief Ministers have very limited knowledge about various development topics they are suppose to involve which restricts them from involving /participating in development works.They simply do not talk much or ignore such things.To make them knowledgeble and to enhance their awareness we need to arrange special training programs for them in batches of 20 MPs each.We make a schedule in off hours for 7 days and at various destinations in the WORLD.We will see every MP get atleast one such program every two year.We can hire different techniques and agencies.Mainly I want them to involve in modern way of reaching to people .

Warora Dated ,Friday, 31

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

My favorite Leafy green vegetable

I am vegetarian .I like green leaves vegetables LEAFY GREEN in my lunch and dinner.ON 14 July I
went to NERI, Tg.:CHIMUR Dist : CHANDRAPUR Maharahtra-442907 to bring
green leaves vegetable “ KADUCHI BHAJI “.I have no doubt in my mind that this
“ KADUCHI BHAJI “ is the best “TASTY “ Leafy Green vegetable in my life so far.

Sunday, 5 July 2020

वाह वाह क्या बात है !

वाह वाह क्या बात है !
सोनी सब चॅनेल पर कल रविवार दिनांक ०५/०७/२०२० पर १० बजे यह सीरियल आता है ,जिसमे हिंदी के अच्छे कवि अपनी रचनाये सुनाते है .मुझे जो दो पंक्तिया पसंद आयी वह किसी आम आदमी ने सुनाई है.ये दो पंक्तिया है
'मैंने तुझे देखा तोमुझे एक खयाल आया '
'मैंने तुम्हारी सहेली को देखाI तो दूसरा खयाल आया.
यह मुझे इसलिए पसंद आया क्योंकि इसमें जीवन की प्रामाणिकता छुपी  है.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Election Reforms I want in India

Election Reforms as per Vinay Dadmal

1]   Tahasildar,
     Tahasil Office,
2] CEO and CS,Mumbai
3.Collector,District Chandrapur
Reference : Your office letter no.Kawi/Kali/Nivadnuk/2020/64 Dated 01/07/2020
                   Attached herewith.
Subject : My request to print/ note my address as per my AADHAR address on election commission identity card/electoral role.
   You have serious objection to my AADHAR card mentioned address.Do you think anybody can enter anything as address on UIDAI site.Please check and verify what is behind such address being noted and printed on AADHAR network.Satisfy yourself first and see what is behind all this.
   Further my request is fully supported as per ECI rules and regulations.
I can not comment further due to IPR Intellectual Property Rights issue.
Warora Dt.01 July 2020                    ---Vinay Dadmal

I liked VICE PRESIDENT of INDIA statement

  Dhankhar warns against judiciary or legislature exercising executive authority N EW DELHI: Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday said ...