Wednesday, 19 June 2019

What we need to do in India in 2019

What we need to do in INDIA
1.Think for fresh initiatives in World trading.
2.Avoid comparing India with other developed countries.
3.Do not copy Developed nations.
4. We have to use our own mind to take lead in the world.
5.Still in India we have good working culture,exploit it.
6.Avoid licenses use alternative methods.
7.Treat Agriculture as an Industry.
8.Please believe people need money but more than that good atmosphere for good living.
9.More PPP activities needed in India.

Monday, 3 June 2019

Priority Sector in India

Priority Sector in India

Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual Property Right (IPR) has emerged as an indispensable strategic tool in today’s knowledge economies and societies, particularly in the context of economic globalization. The ability to compete in the global market depends to a large extent on the capacity to generate new ideas through innovation in science and technology, where such ideas are transformed into wealth-generating products. IPR, by conferring exclusive monopoly rights to its owner for a limited duration, has emerged as a significant factor in creating incentives for innovation and generation of economic value. An effective IPR system is also a constituent of a reliable legal environment, which in turn becomes an important factor for decisions on foreign investment and technology transfer. Key systemic issues in this regard are: • Clearly defined contractual rights and obligations enshrined in the law; respect for law; development of effective legal systems for enforcement; availability of accurate and detailed ready-to-use IPR information; • Opportunity for continual training of IPR professionals across sectors; creation and development of modern infrastructure, including human resources in the various IPR establishments; • Harmonization and streamlining of administrative procedures of the different IPR offices and perhaps most significantly, the development of a vibrant IPR culture in the processes of knowledge creation,

Going for a change in Education system in India

Going for a change in Education system in India

For a change in Education system in India please take and allow the following in India.
1.There is entrance test for B.Sc. Agriculture 4 year degree course in India.Please cancel the entrance test.Let the eligible students who possess 10 + 2 qualification in any science stream to take admission in B.Sc. Agri in college of their choice.After admissions see the outcome.Allow all admissions.Increase staff in colleges where students are more than the capacity. Allow shift in that college.
Is this not practically possible ?Think about which courses we need to promote in India.

I liked VICE PRESIDENT of INDIA statement

  Dhankhar warns against judiciary or legislature exercising executive authority N EW DELHI: Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday said ...